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Legally going against the flow

transporting parts of wind turbines

We were asked to transport six windmill tower sections for a new wind farm in Arendonk. Measuring 53 meters in length and weighing 134 tons each, this was a challenging task for our pilots who still managed to bring the job to a successful conclusion once again.

“Initially, we wanted to drive through the Netherlands, but the authorities wouldn’t grant permission to close off the entire highway,” explains Steven Van Ael, operational manager. “We looked for alternatives and eventually split the transport into two parts.” HEAVY was able to close off a section of the highway for the first part, but the remainder of the route was a bit more complex.

Wind turbine transport

“It wasn’t possible to set up a detour for all of the traffic, so together with sergeants we freed up the shoulder and the right lane. This was all arranged just half an hour beforehand, and was freed up again right after our transport had passed through. In Oud-Turnhout, we drove onto the highway in the opposite direction. We intentionally do this at night when there’s less traffic, but there were still a few drivers who gave us strange looks.”

To prevent HEAVY from having to close off the highway six times, we arranged two transports with three trucks each. One on Monday night and one on Thursday night. “A job like this depends entirely on preparations,” Steven concludes. “We work on these jobs for weeks in advance. Traffic signs and lampposts are also removed beforehand. We always communicate with several parties to request permits both at the city and regional level, but we have an iron-clad, dedicated team of people that know what they’re doing. Everything went smoothly.”

Exceptional transport wind turbines

About Gosselin Logistics

Gosselin Logistics is a leading provider of logistics services. With activities ranging from terminal operations, forwarding and warehouse storage to customs formalities Gosselin Logistics can offer its customers a constant supply chain. Heavy-Gosselin is a division of Gosselin Logistics specialized in industrial projects.  

Gosselin Logistics is a division of the Gosselin Group that has its headquarters in Antwerp, Belgium. The company was founded in 1930 and employs a staff of 800 that generates more than 350 million euros in turnover. 

Novasteam boiler

Heavy cargo on the move! A service from A to Z: Gosselin Logistics transport oversized unit from Spain to France

Exciting times in Bilbao as we loaded a 110.5 ton steam boiler (1432 x 632 x 628 cm) into a seavessel bound for Northern France via Antwerp. The first part of journey has been finalized.
Ineos Project 1

Gosselin Logistics control tower managed the unloading operation of MV Regine

Starting October 4, Gosselin Logistics control tower managed the unloading operation of MV Regine containing the C3 Splitter (93m long and 589T heavy).
5 heavy-lift bullets for INEOS

Succesful receipt of 5 heavy-lift bullets for Ineos Project One through Gosselin

Ineos Belgium awarded the Gosselin Group as their general contractor for the marshalling yard for Ineos Project One. In the last week of August ,GOSSELIN Logistics control tower, successfully organised the first receipt of 5 bullets , weighing each 570 to, for INEOS PROJECT ONE at the heavy-lift PSA Belgium Breakbulk terminal 410.