Gosselin Logistics news

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Gosselin Logistics control tower managed the unloading operation of MV Regine

Starting October 4, Gosselin Logistics control tower managed the unloading operation of MV Regine containing the C3 Splitter (93m long and 589T heavy).

Erhardt Projects organized the sea-voyage on behalf of Tecnicas Reunidas for Ineos Project One.

Along with the wash tower, gas dryers and water tower, the units were safely landed on the heavy-lift marshalling site.

Special thanks to PSA Breakbulk, Felbermayr, Sarens and Anthony Colans for their professional approach & engineering support prior and during operations.

Ineos Project 1
Ineos Project 1
Ineos Project 1
(photos by Skyvision)

About Gosselin Logistics

Gosselin Logistics is a leading provider of logistics services. With activities ranging from terminal operations, forwarding and warehouse storage to customs formalities Gosselin Logistics can offer its customers a constant supply chain. Heavy-Gosselin is a division of Gosselin Logistics specialized in industrial projects.  

Gosselin Logistics is a division of the Gosselin Group that has its headquarters in Antwerp, Belgium. The company was founded in 1930 and employs a staff of 1000 that generates more than 450 million euros in turnover. 

Novasteam boiler

Heavy cargo on the move! A service from A to Z: Gosselin Logistics transport oversized unit from Spain to France

Exciting times in Bilbao as we loaded a 110.5 ton steam boiler (1432 x 632 x 628 cm) into a seavessel bound for Northern France via Antwerp. The first part of journey has been finalized.
5 heavy-lift bullets for INEOS

Succesful receipt of 5 heavy-lift bullets for Ineos Project One through Gosselin

Ineos Belgium awarded the Gosselin Group as their general contractor for the marshalling yard for Ineos Project One. In the last week of August ,GOSSELIN Logistics control tower, successfully organised the first receipt of 5 bullets , weighing each 570 to, for INEOS PROJECT ONE at the heavy-lift PSA Belgium Breakbulk terminal 410.
Govlog award

Gosselin receives special award for offered services

Gosselin received a special award from ELSO to express their gratitude for our services in a collaboration for NATO.