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First prize for Gosselin Logistics, Brucargo
Brucargo’s logistics partners have been working with the slot booking app since 2018. This technology enables users to avoid long waits at the warehouses and makes better, more transparent scheduling possible. Gosselin Logistics won the prize for best user of the app in 2020. Quite an achievement!
What is Gosselin Logistics’ secret for these great results?
Martine Vermoesen: “Gosselin made the app part of its daily operations. We started by defining the short- and medium-term goals that were feasible for our organization. We focused on our import flows first, and integrated best practices into our export flows. This step-by-step approach allowed our people to ease into it, and gradually become more familiar with the new process. This eventually increased the entire team’s commitment.”
Did you have to make changes to your internal processes?
Martine: “The app became a recurring theme during our weekly team meetings. By getting the entire team involved, we created internal awareness for the application. We also stressed how important it is in helping us achieve our company goals, one of which is going paperless.”
What kinds of advantages does the app offer?
Martine: “The reduction in waiting times is the biggest advantage. This has a direct impact on our operational and office teams. In terms of external advantages, it allows us to spend more time on customer service, better communication and improved workflows.”
A special thanks to Davide Scatorchia, Air Cargo Belgium, for the text.

About Gosselin Logistics
Gosselin Logistics is a leading provider of logistics services. With activities ranging from shipping, forwarding and warehouse storage to customs formalities Gosselin Logistics can offer its customers a constant supply chain. Heavy-Gosselin is a division of Gosselin Logistics specialized in industrial projects.
Gosselin Logistics is a division of the Gosselin Group that has its headquarters in Antwerp, Belgium. The company was founded in 1930 and employs a staff of 800 that generates more than 270 million Euros in turnover.